Statement of Purpose
- Seymour and Associates Limited are an Independent Healthcare health and social care quality Consultant company. We understand the Care Quality Commission regulations and requirements and we offer Healthcare and Social Care providers Services to improve their care provision and manage CQC Compliance issues with difficulties. We believe that in providing this service we will allow all Healthcare Providers to enjoy a healthy and stress-free environment whilst we take care if their problems. Healthcare and Social Care providers can continue to deliver a first-class Service to their client group whilst we take care of the CQC problem. This will enable the patients and clients to enjoy a person-centred care approach, whilst their organisation continues to thrive.
- Seymour and Associates limited are committed to helping healthcare Providers achieve their aims of providing extraordinary care that is effective, safe, responsive and well-led, to clients. We know how to support your Organisation achieve person-centred care for service users and we will support you to enhance a person-centred approach to your staff. Seymour and Associates Limited will make you feel supported in the way you ask us to support your service.
- Seymour and Associates Limited aims to deliver timely and Care Provider tailored Service Quality audit Service. Seymour and Associates Limited will deliver effective outcome-based services within Organisational based approach. Therefore, Seymour and Associates Limited want to make sure that all health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care. We will make sure that our Service will makes sense to you, supports you to get outcomes that you want out of your Service, what makes you feel happy and keeps your clients well and safe. Seymour and Associates Limited want your organisation to feel important and well regarded, confident, competent, and motivated, feel proud of what you do and enjoy of being who you are as an organization.
Marketing Strategy:
- Seymour and Associates Limited Service Limited will offer its services directly to Health and Social care Providers such as, Hospitals, Residential Care Homes, Nursing Homes, Domiciliary care Providers and Supported Living providers. However, Seymour and Associates Limited understands that some of our clients may have representatives such as NHS and Social Services who will speak and do things on their behalf; this will be acceptable to us.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will create sales by advertising its services in the local and national newspaper magazines, by flyers, by business cards, by word of mouth, by applying for local authority tenders, by contacting the CCG all care Providers. We will also talk to NHS hospitals and the private hospitals. Seymour and Associates Limited will also have an official website where it will advertise its services, aims and objectives. Seymour and Associates Limited will also contact social services, and Carer groups directly, by phone or by sending information about our services to them. We are more than ready to go:
- Seymour and Associates Limited will expect to charge lower prices than most established service providers but not necessarily the cheapest. Seymour and Associates Limited proposes to charge between £25,000 and £50000 per project which will be very acceptable in a service industry where charges are normally over £100,000 a project.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will expect its payments at the end of each project. Both cash and cheques will be acceptable methods of payment and no credit facilities will be available.
Supporting Aspirations
- We all require some help and support to meet your needs. Seymour and Associates recognises that all Healthcare Providers in our various Communities may need support from time to time and for shorter or longer to meet their aspirations.
Seymour and Associates Limited exists to provide that support by:
- Placing the Healthcare and Social Care Providers at the centre of all our work and responding creatively to their aspirations.
- Providing an individualised service to every Organisation we support.
- Supporting each Organisation to be accepted as an active participating member of their community and Society.
Social and emotional needs
- Seymour and Associates Limited believes that every Health and Social Care Organisation has gifts and talents to contribute to both their own and the common good. We also believe that all Health and Social Care providers has a broadly similar set of needs.
- As well as meeting basic Organisation needs such as audit, monitor and inspect services to see whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led, we believe it is important that their social and emotional needs are also met.
We promote:
- Innovation and Creativity/Sharing ideas
- Making choices/ Being part of the conversation
- Organizational Development.
- Being treated with respect and having a valued social role.
- Growing in relationships with clients and peers.
Five key CQC Questions:
- Seymour and Associates Limited will use five key CQC Questions as a guide about the development of new services; Inform service management decisions; Evaluate the quality of services:
- Is it safe?
Are Service users protected from abuse and avoidable harm?
- Is it effective?
Does the care, treatment and support achieve good results and help Service users maintain your quality of life, and is it based on the best available evidence?
- Is it caring?
Do staff involve Service users and treat them with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect?
Is it responsive?
Are services organised so that they can meet your needs?
- Is it well-led? Does the leadership of the organisation make sure that it’s providing high-quality care that’s based around Service user’s needs? And does it encourage learning and innovation and promote an open and fair culture?
The Aims and Objectives of the Company:
- Our model of care is based on the principle that Every Health and Social care Organisation in our community, Society and Nation must provide the best possible care to all Clients. We believe in a Success Story and that failure can be turned upside down to Seymour and Associates Limited aim is to help Health and Social Care Providers personal to really do what they want to do. Seymour and Associates Limited will thrive to ensure that the Organisations in its Service have the most choice of clients and are providing independence, and Person-centred care as the core of its service.
- Seymour and Associates Limited Service is provided in partnership with Health and Social Care providers, their users, their careers, and relatives, respecting their diverse needs, preferences, and choices. Our management team will visit each Organisation before commencing the service to assess and to understand their needs and then provide the most suitable package and plan. Our Service Provision begins with a comprehensive pre-contract Assessment.
Seymour and Associates Limited healthcare professionals are committed to make sure that:
- We deliver a service of the highest quality that will improve and sustain the organisation reputations and their client’s overall quality of life.
- We deliver a service that is non-discriminatory, respectful of Organizational right to independence, privacy, dignity, and fulfilment.
- We deliver a service that allows organisations and their service use to make informed choices.
- We deliver a service that values and respects religious, culture, race or ethnic, sexuality and sexual orientation, political affiliation, and disabilities or impairments needs.
- We will match a nominated Case Worker with the Organisational needs and will change the Case Worker in the event of subsequent non -compatibility.
- We will involve service users and carers in the provisions, management, and development of services.
- We will monitor service delivery regularly as part of the quality assurance framework ensuring that your organization is run in the best interests of your service users.
- We will ensure that your organisation is are aware of the procedures of dealing compliments, comments, and complaints.
- We will ensure that all our support options are flexible and can adapt as individuals Organisations needs changes and respects every choice.
The Nature of Services Provided:
- Seymour and Associates Limited was established to offer the highest standards that is reliable and friendly Health and Social Care
- Our services will help Health and Social Care providers achieve that national minimum standards in health and social care.
- We audit Health and Social Care providers quality of health and social care provision and encourage improvement.
- We highlight good and bad practice.
- As a regulator and inspector, we can provide a unique view on the quality of your service.
- We as independent quality consultants of health and adult social care in England, we will help to you share learning across all domain areas of care.
- We carry will carry out and audits and reviews and offer specific development
- We will focus on particular aspects of health and social care, including: the experiences of your clients and workers.
- We will worker together on how your services can work better to care for clients.
- We will discuss the quality of particular areas of your services.
- Seymour and Associates Limited believes that every organisation has gifts and talents to contribute to both their own and the common good.
Values and Principles of Care
- Seymour and Associates believes that effective Service should be client need led with sound values and principles.
The Service Values are as follows:
- Seymour and Associates Limited aim is to provide good quality Service which will allow Health and Social Care providers a way of working which permits them to enjoy, to the greatest possible extent, their fundamental The rights to work that facilitates appropriate use of all their resources available to them.
Rights to Privacy:
- Health and Social Care provider have a right to be undisturbed and free from intrusion or public attention into their affairs.
- Our staff will enter a Health and Social Care provider property only with their express consent.
- Health and Social Care provider has the right not to have to interact with or be interrupted by a case worker or project manager.
- Seymour and Associates respects the fact that a service Health and Social Care provider user’s possessions are private and always act in accordance with the principle that our workers are guests.
- Health and Social Care provider have a right to make calls and carry on conversations without being overheard or observed by our case workers or project manager.
- The records of the service provided are seen only by those with a genuine need to know basis.
- Health and Social Care provider are consulted, and their views taken into account, only on occasion, it will be necessary, for the benefit of the Health and Social Care provider or others to share personal information with other professionals or organizations.
- All Health and Social Care provider, whatever their circumstances, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. At Seymour and Associates Limited, we will preserve respect for the intrinsic value of those who use our services in the following ways:
- Seymour and Associates limited will arrange for Health and Social Care provider who require assistance to be helped as far as possible by a case worker of their own choice.
- Seymour and Associates will aim to minimise any feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, and vulnerability which Health and Social Care provider may have arising from past failures or disadvantages.
- Seymour and Associates will treat each Health and Social Care provider with respect which reinforces individual characteristics, addressing them in their preferred style.
- Seymour and Associates will respond to Health and Social Care provider specific cultural demands and requirements and aiming to maintain relationships which are warm and trusting but appropriate to the relationship of Case worker to Care Provider.
- All our Health and Social Care provider will have the right to be heard and to be fully informed on all aspects of their Action Plan. Seymour and Associates Limited will make sure that its methods of communication are appropriate to each Health and Social Care provider set of circumstances.
- We will make sure that Health and Social Care provider are enabled to act independently by giving them opportunities to think, plan, act and take sensibly calculated risks without continual reference to others.
- We help Health and Social Care provider to manage the action plan for themselves where possible rather than becoming totally dependent on us.
- We encourage Health and Social Care provider to take as much responsibility as possible for their action
- We involve Health and Social Care provider fully in implementing their care action plan.
- We work with carers, relatives and friends of Health and Social Care provider to provide as continuous a service as is feasible.
- We aim to create a climate in the delivery of care and to foster attitudes in those around a Health and Social Care provider to focus on capacities rather than on disadvantages.
Risk Taking:
- All Health and Social Care provider are entitled to make decisions about their daily activities. This may, from time to time, result in a conflict between ensuring safety and maximising independence. Health and Social Care provider will be supported in their decisions to take reasonable risks.
- Seymour and Associates understands that every Health and Social Care provider, whatever their circumstances, has the potential for development, and the right to hold personal aspirations. Seymour and Associates Limited will help service Health and Social Care provider to realise personal aspirations and abilities in all aspects of their
- Seymour and Associates Limited will help Health and Social Care provider to participate in as broad a range of social and cultural activities.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will assist Health and Social Care provider to participate in practices associated with religious or spiritual matters and to celebrate meaningful anniversaries and festivals.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will respond sensitively and appropriately to the special needs and wish of Health and Social Care provider.
- Seymour and Associates will expect Health and Social Care provider to accept appropriate responsibilities in considering their abilities and circumstances. These may include having due regard for other organisations, persons and for participation in Action Plans.
- Our Service is designed to be accessible and flexible, promoting action plans and based upon each Health and Social Care providers own choices.
- Individual choice will be promoted, within the limits as imposed by service constraints.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will help Health and Social Care provider exercise the opportunity to select from a range of options.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will avoid an action plan which leads to compulsory timings.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will manage action plan schedule to respond to Health and Social Care provider preferences as they feel most comfortable.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will respect Health and Social Care provider eccentricities, personal preferences, and idiosyncrasies.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will cultivate an atmosphere and ethos which welcomes and responds to cultural diversity.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will encourage Health and Social Care provider to exercise informed choice in their selection of the case worker who provide them with assistance.
Carer Support:
- Seymour and Associates Limited values the contribution of carer and family support. The needs of carers providing regular or substantial care will be requested, assessed independently of the needs of the Health and Social Care provider. The outcome of the assessment is considered when agreeing Health and Social Care provider action Plans.
- In providing services Seymour and Associates will balance helping Health and Social Care providers to experience as much independence as possible and making sure that they are not exposed to unnecessary risks. Seymour and Associates will provide an environment and support structure which offers sensible protection from danger and comfortable with readily available assistance when required.
Seymour and Associates Limited will.
- Make sure that help is at hand when a Health and Social Care provider needs or wishes to engage in any activity which places them at substantial risk.
- Will create a physical environment for Health and Social Care provider which is free from unnecessary sources of danger.
- Carry out thorough risk assessments in relation to premises, equipment and the activities of the Health and Social Care provider.
- Advise Health and Social Care provider about situations or activities in which they are likely to put themselves or their clients at risk.
Civil rights.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will aim to help Health and Social Care provider to continue to enjoy their civil rights.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will help Health and Social Care provider with the necessary information and either provide or obtain any assistance which they need to vote.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will support Health and Social Care provider in participating as fully and diversely as they wish in the activities of their communities through voluntary work, religious observance, involvement in associations and charitable giving.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will help Health and Social Care provider to participate in minority-interest events or activities.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will do everything possible to help Health and Social Care provider to achieve an unfulfilled task, wish, or ambition.
- Seymour and Associates Limited Services will be used by people from a wide diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will make efforts to demonstrate that we welcome and celebrate the wide range of people in the community generally.
- We respond to service users’ right to express their diversity by:
- Seymour and Associates Limited will respect and provide for the ethnic, cultural, and religious practices.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will outlaw negatively discriminatory behavior by staff and others.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will accommodate individual differences without censure.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will help service users to celebrate events, anniversaries and festivals that are important to them.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will positively communicate to service users that their diverse backgrounds enhance the life of the community.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will make the safeguarding of service users an utmost priority and seek to comply with all legal requirements in our safeguarding practices.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will therefore work closely with the local safeguarding adults’ board over any issues relating to the safety of service users from any kind of harm and the Care Quality Commission where involved.
Corporate Statement of Good Practice:
- Seymour and Associates philosophy is to reflect and promote values that focus upon the Health and Social care Provider as being at the centre of our Service planning and Service delivery.
- To help achieve this, fundamental Core Values of care will form the basis for the provision of our Autonomy and independence of personal decision-making, including the assumption of risks as well as responsibilities associated with Service.
- Health and Social care Providers will have a Choice of action plan including the opportunity to select independently from a range of options.
- Seymour and Associates will respect for the intrinsic worth, dignity and individuality of the Health and Social care Providers and ethnic identity and cultural heritage.
- The realisation of these values, together with the level of help and support required to achieve personal goals, will be a unique process for each Health and Social care Provider
- However, Seymour and associates, values and principles will remain constant and will provide a sound foundation for the provision of care to all, regardless of personal circumstances and in accordance with the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
- A Health and Social care Provider Action plan is produced through consultation with each care provider, their clints and other authorized persons and will include information about the clients care needs, wishes, preferences and personal goals.
Quality Assurance:
- Seymour and Associates Limited is committed to ensuring that Health and Social care Providers continue to meet the user’s needs.
- Seymour and Associates Limited Quality Assurance starts with the recruitment of the best Case and project Workers and continues with systematic and ongoing monitoring of their performance.
- Delivering a consistent high-quality service is our priority.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will implement a three-stage action plan, which will mean the completion of a satisfaction survey, telephone satisfaction survey and face to face interviews with Health and Social care Providers or their representative.
- Seymour and Associates Limited complete regular audits of minor issues arising in Service provision and of compliments and complaints received by the company.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will also meet regularly with staff to ensure that their views are sought.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will audit and evaluate the Health and Social care Providers against the National Minimum Standards, and against service outcomes.
- Seymour and Associates Limited are aware that our staff will always play a particularly important role in Service Provision.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will employ staff in sufficient numbers and with the relevant mix of skills to meet client’s needs.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will always provide an appropriate number of staff with qualifications in Legal, health and social care as required.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will observe recruitment policies and practices which respect equal opportunities and protect Health and Social care Providers interests.
Seymour and Associates Limited will offer staff training, which is relevant to their induction, foundation, experience and further professional development.
Management and administration:
- Seymour and Associates Limited will provide quality leadership to achieve best care for service users.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will only employ a registered manager who is qualified, competent, and experienced for the task.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will adopt a management approach that creates an open, positive, and inclusive atmosphere throughout the business.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will Install and operate effective quality assurance and quality monitoring systems.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will work operate financial procedures that safeguard Health and Social care Providers interests.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will supervise all staff regularly and carefully.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will Keep up-to-date and accurate records.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will ensure that the interests of Health and Social care Providers are promoted and protected.
The Name and Address of the Managing Directors:
- The address and contact details of Seymour and Associates Limited are as follows:
212, Lakes Innovation Centre, Lakes Road, Braintree, Essex, CM7 3AN
Telephone: 07476416462
- E-mail:
The Responsible individual; Simo Chitauro Company Director. Simo can be contacted during office hours at the above address.
The Relevant Qualifications and Experience of the Registered Provider and any Registered Manager
The Responsible individual/Registered Manager is Simo Chitauro who is the Company Director and has 20 years’ experience within the care setting, covering all aspects of care work, business management, recruitment, administration, care management and policies & procedures.
- Company Secretary: Director Tatiana Chitauro
Qualifications and work experience of Responsible Individual:
- Competency, Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring of Staff – Chairing Team Meetings – Delivering evidence-based care – Management of financial and clinical KPIS – Effective medicine management – Action Planning and Care Reviews – Compliance with National Minimum Standards
- University of law- Legal Practice Certificate
- London South bank University -PGD Legal Studies
- University of Hull -Mentor preparation program
- University of the West of England, Bristol- PGDip Public Health
- University of the West of England, Bristol- Dip/HE Is learning Disability
- Nursing, Middlesex University- Social Policy (Year 1),
- University of North London-BSc Applied Social Science,
- Mutare Polytechnic- Higher Diploma Business Studies
- Health and Safety, Fire, De-escalation, Moving and Handling, Managing Suicidal Behaviour, Basic Life Support, Ethical Control and Restraint ECC&R, Basic Food Hygiene, Seclusion Training, Meeting and Report Writing, Care Planning, Automated External Defibrillators Managing Values, Medication Administration, Anaphylaxis, NCFE Certificate in Safe Handling of Medicines;, NCFE Certificate in Infection Control;, National Basic First Aid, Certificate , Abuse Trainer – Training in Protection of Vulnerable, Adults from Abuse
The Senior Company Management Team:
- Simo Chitauro is the company manager. Simo is an experienced manager who is responsible for managing the services day to day activity.
- Tatiana Chitauro is the Company Secretary. Tatiana has a vast experience in Marketing, Legal and Leadership skills.
Qualifications and work-related experience of Manager:
Simo has many years of experience within the Health and Social Care Sector including working with reputable organizations such as the NHS, Priory group, Partnership in Care, Shaw Healthcare and Aspects and Milestones Trust which are all leading provider in Health and Social Care. Simo currently holds Degree in Business Studies, Nursing, Public Health, Legal Practice, and Teaching and Assessing in clinical practice.
Monitoring Compliance and Effectiveness:
- Line managers will undertake ongoing monitoring to ensure staff compliance with the policy, with observations for improvement passed to Senior Manage team, for review for review.
- The policy document itself will be reviewed by Senior Management Team on an annual basis.
- The effectiveness of this policy will also be monitored by Senior Management Team and Safety Committee. This review may include:
- Audit
- Risk Assessment
- Systematic inspections
- Incident and accident statistics
- Sickness and ill health statistics
- Risk registers
- Inspection reports
Items identified as requiring significant amendment will be referred for authorisation before being actioned by Senior Management Team who are responsible on behalf of Seymour and Associates Limited.
Qualifications of Care Workers Supplied by the Company.
- A list of current staff and their qualifications will be available on request as soon as we start business.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will retain a complete record of all staff qualifications, credentials and experience gained for each staff member, whether full-time or part-time.
- Seymour and Associates Limited staff Files will be retained at the Company’s offices and are of limited access for reasons of confidentiality and security.
- New employees will be inducted to National standards within 12 weeks of employment.
- Seymour and Associates Limited induction training will incorporate shadowing an experienced member of staff, classroom-based training, an induction questionnaire in line with the required Skills and assessed by an experienced member of staff.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will aim that all its Case Workers achieve a minimum of degree level qualification.
- Seymour and Associates Limited employees will receive the training appropriate to their work.
- Seymour and Associates Limited will make sure that its employees receive training in health and safety matters and adult protection issues.
Seymour and Associates Limited Case Workers will be required to have, as a minimum, the following qualifications.
- Moving & Handling- Health & Safety- Basic Food Hygiene- Administration of Medication- Basic Infection control- Abuse Awareness- Principles of care- Service user’s Needs- Role of the Care Worker- Skills for Care Common Induction- COSH (Controls of substances hazardous to health)- SOVA (Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults)- ENED (Ears, Nose & Eyedrops)- RIDDOR (Reportable Incidences & Dangerous Occurrences)
Complaints, Concerns, Comments & Compliments:
- Seymour and Associates will supply clients with a copy of the organization’s Policy.
- Will respect feedback concerning the quality-of-Care Services provided this information will be formally reviewed for content and possible action.
- We will classify feedback as positive through to negative feedback.
Types of feedback:
- Compliments; positive input regarding aspects of the Care Service
- Comments; still positive, but possible scope for improvement
- Concerns: negative feedback where action may be required to address a problem
- Complaints: serious concerns on the part of the Service Provider, requiring formal action.
- There is a formal process for the management and handling of complaints.
- This is documented in the complaint’s procedure.
- The Policy provides for appropriate investigation and a timely response to the complainant, and if required the means for the Complainant to take the complaint to the appropriate regulatory authorities.
- This is explained in the complaints procedure and the Service provider is made aware of the right to complain prior to finalising the Service Contract.
Complaint Procedure synopses:
- Even with the most conscientious and responsive care, it is inevitable that we will not please everyone all the time.
- Comments and complaints will be listened to and acted on effectively and clients will not be discriminated against for making a complaint.
- The client, or his representative on his behalf, has the absolute right to comment or complain and the Complaints Policy Procedure will be used.
- A copy of this policy will be included in the information provided to all clients.
- To ensure that the service we provide matches clients’ needs and their expectations we welcome any comments they may care to make. If you are dissatisfied with the result of our investigation, what you do next depends on whether your care is being arranged on your behalf by a Social Care Department or is being paid for privately.
Important Addresses:
- NHS Mid Essex CCG Tel: 01245 398710 Address: Wren House, Hedgerows Business Park, Colchester Rd, Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 5PF Website:
- Hull CCG Address:2Nd Floor Wilberforce Court Alfred Gelder Street, Hull HU1 1UY. Phone: 01482 344700
- Uttlesford District Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden 01799 510510
- Hull City Council Address: Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull HU1 2AA
Phone: 01482 300300
- Local Government and Social service ombudsman
- Care Quality Commission
Seymour and Associates Limited will make service users aware of local advocacy and other relevant services available to them.
- Essex Mencap Address: 34 York Gardens, Braintree CM7 9N, Phone: 07874 80551
- National/regional service POhWER Essex POhWER has been working in Essex since 2003. Our services in Essex: NHS complaints advocacy NHS complaints advocacy toolkit Contact: Pohwer, PO Box 14043, Birmingham, B6 9BL. Tel: 0300 456 2370.
- Hull Mencap, 1St Floor, 15 Freetown Way, HU2 8JQ Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire England Tel: 01482 211473.
Regulatory bodies:
- CQC 0300 0616 161
- CSSIW 0300 790 0126
- RQIA 0289 051 7500
- Ofsted 0300 123 1231
- Care Inspectorate 0345 600 9527
- HIW 0300 062 8163
- HIS 0131 623 4300
- All complaints will be taken seriously.
- All complaints will be acted upon with impartiality and fairness.
- Health and Social Care Providers will receive a response within 24hrs of the complaint being made.
- Health and Social Care Providers are entitled to involve an impartial third party in the complaint procedure if they wish.
- If Health and Social Care Providers prefers to speak to someone outside of Seymour and Associates Ltd, they can contact the external body who regulates our service.
- They can find the details of the regulatory organisations in our booklet ‘Making a Complaint’. If they are unsure which regulatory body to contact, please ask the staff, they will be glad to help.
- We will work with Health and Social Care Providers and their families to create individual personal action plans they want.
- We will give Health and Social Care Providers a range of opportunities if needed.
- Monosa1 Healthcare limited will be primarily based in Essex but will seek to establish itself as a National Care Quality Consultant Provider.
- Customer satisfaction survey will be conducted on a quarterly basis. All payments will be made into the company bank account.